20 Encouraging Words Every Child Needs to Hear

Everyone loves to hear when they're doing well, and this is especially important for children who are still building their confidence. Blank statements like “good job” or “wow” don’t usually cut it. We need positive statements to be specific and about the child directly for it to really matter. Encouraging words can also help children want to be good and behave in ways that cause less tension and conflict for parents and teachers. Here are 20 of my favorite encouraging words every child needs to hear.

1.     It was brave of you to ___.

2.     I know I can trust you because ___.

3.     I believe in you.

4.     I love being your parent/teacher.

5.     I can tell you did your best because ­­­___.

6.     I learn new things from you every day.

7.     Don't be afraid to be you.

8.     I admire the way you___.

9.     Our family/class wouldn't be the same without you.

10.  You are safe.

11.   Being around you makes me happy.

12.  I accept and care about who you are.

13.  You will learn how to do this, hard things take time.

14.  You're on the right track, keep up the great work.

15.  I appreciate how helpful you were when you___.

16.  What you create matters.

17.  I believe that you can do it.

18.  You never gave up, even when it was hard.

19.  Your practice is paying off.

20.  You have really improved on___. 


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